Friday, February 1, 2008

learning RSS

WOW. I just manged (after 3 hours)to complete the tasks of Activity 1 week 3. What I learned is now I can read all the RSS feeds from Web2.0 for ESP on my google reader ( yahoo group, twitter,wiki and blog) and even RSS feeds from my own blog. I feels great to be able to accomplish so much in three hours.


Buthaina Alothman said...

Hala, Mabrook :)

And now, try adding a clip of your shared items or feeds in your Google Reader on your blog here...A clip is a widegt easily created through Google Reader; however, you need to create tagged folders to categorize your Feeds; each folder includes feeds that have the same tag. Make sure you click on Share located under each feed. Then create your public pages and share them with the world through a clip published on your blog. Does this make sense? If not never mind, and move on to use BlogRovR..

Go figure? :)

Hala said...

Hey Hala,
Congratulations on your new blog!
What a happy surprise for me to see what you have accomplished during your sessions!
Happy blogging!
Btw, What's your twiter ID?